Book: Ten Words to Live by

This quick read paints the ten commandments in a new light.

Overall: 6/10. “Ten Words to Live By” shows the ten commandments in the light of a relationship, rather than religion. This book shows how the ten commandments (or ten words) aren’t simply a list of what not to do, but rather a list of how we should act to bring glory to God. Such a great concept! However, the book seemed to be off topic at times and was not very theology-heavy.

Simplicity: 10/10. This book is honestly maybe a little too simplistic, but it was a good follow up to “You Are Not Your Own",” which reallyyyyy blew my mind!

Speed: 8/10. While this book does have some deeper concepts, it is so compact that it flies by!

This is a book about the law of God in all of its life-giving beauty. In the church today there exists a great forgetfulness about the role of the law in the life of the believer. This book is an exercise in remembrance.
— Ten Words to Live By by Jen Wilkin

Book: You Are Not Your Own


three years at Mercer: a recap