Book: Gentle and Lowly

A sweet book showing the depth, character, and heart of Christ.

Overall: 10/10. “Gentle and Lowly” paints the sweetest picture of Christ’s heart for His people. Not necessarily a book of theology, but rather of practicality. A comfort for sinners and sufferers (which we all are), “Gentle and Lowly” is one of the most encouraging books I have read in relating to Christ and His character.

Simplicity: 7/10. This book goes pretty deep, but Dane Ortlund does a fantastic job of keeping it understandable and tying everything together. It flows so well!

Speed: 8/10. “Gentle and Lowly” might not be the simplest book ever, but it is so compelling. I honestly found it so hard to put down!

His yoke is easy and his burden is light. That is, his yoke is a nonyoke and his burden is a nonburden. What helium does to a balloon, Jesus’s yoke does to his followers.
— Gentle and Lowly by Dane Ortlund

three years at Mercer: a recap


Book: Gospel Fluency